Case Study: Boosting Organic Traffic and Online Visibility

Client: Our client is an established organization that offers medical prescription discount cards and coupons and donates a cut of their income to charities.

Main objective: To stimulate organic website traffic and solve their aged website’s technical issues.

Start of work: January 2023

Let’s take a look at the site’s main metrics at the beginning of work:

I. Custom SEO Strategy and Website Audit.

Our strategy for optimizing the client’s online presence started with a comprehensive study of their technical issues, an evaluation of the website structure, a thorough analysis of website semantics, and an in-depth examination of the competition. We also outlined a robust link-building strategy to enhance the website’s authority and relevance in search engine ranking algorithms.

Our preliminary technical SEO audit revealed several issues:

  1. Incomplete Sitemap: The client’s sitemap contained a mere fraction of its total pages. A sitemap is essentially a roadmap of a website that leads search engine crawlers to explore and index all the relevant content on a website. An incomplete sitemap prevents search engine bots from fully indexing the site, directly affecting the visibility of the unindexed pages on search engine result pages (SERPs).
  2. No Canonical Tags: Canonical tags (or links) tell search engines which version of a page is the “main” or “preferred” when multiple versions exist. The lack of these tags can potentially lead to duplicate content issues, resulting in lower search rankings.
  3. No Structured Data: The implementation of structured data provides an opportunity to enhance a website’s description that generally improves click-through rates and overall visibility. By not using it, our client was missing out on a considerable SEO advantage.
  4. Duplicate Pages: Our analysis revealed identical content on different pages, along with unconfigured redirects. Both these issues resulted in a high volume of duplicate content, which could lead to search engines failing to understand which version to prioritize and rank, reducing the page’s potential to achieve a higher ranking.
  5. Indexable Test Domain: When search engines crawl the test domain, they can identify it as duplicate content, which can negatively affect the live site’s rankings.

In addition, our Audit revealed several On-Page issues:

  1. Duplicate Meta Tags: Meta tags describe a page’s content and help search engines understand the content. However, using the same meta tags across all pages can lead to search engines struggling to determine the most relevant page for a user’s query. This confusion can negatively affect the website’s search ranking and visibility.
  2. Thin Content: The lack of content leads to a scarcity of organic keywords. Google and other search engines prefer to rank higher pages with detailed, relevant content that satisfies user intent.

Finally, our Off-Page SEO analysis uncovered:

  1. Insufficient High-Quality Backlinks: These signal the credibility and authority of the site to search engines. A lack of high-quality backlinks can negatively impact the perceived importance and relevance of the website.
  2. Weak Social Signals: The underused social media accounts failed to provide strong social signals. A strong social media presence can help build brand recognition, foster a community around the brand, and signal its legitimacy to search engines as well as directly to clients.

II. Our recommendations and work:

Given the results of the Audit, we implemented a comprehensive plan to enhance the site’s SEO:

  1. XML Sitemap Update: Including all pages in the sitemap would ensure the entire website can be indexed, enhancing its visibility on SERPs.
  2. Canonical Links: Implementing canonical tags helps prevent duplicate content issues.
  3. A ‘noindex’ meta-tag for the Test Domain: This would prevent search engines from indexing it, eliminating the risk of duplicate content issues.
  4. Structured data: Adding structured data improves click-through rates and overall visibility.
  5. Unique Meta Tags for Each Page: Creating unique meta tags allows search engines to understand the context of each page, helping to improve their relevance and rankings.
  6. High-Quality, Unique Content: Creating unique and valuable content boosts user engagement and increases the site’s relevance and authority, leading to better organic keywords and higher rankings.

While resolving the technical and on-page issues, we also initiated a link-building campaign to increase the number of high-quality inbound links to the site. Backlinks are one of Google’s top-ranking signals and are key for improving website authority and driving organic traffic.

III. Results:

Implementing our comprehensive SEO strategy starting in January of 2023 to June 2023, we witnessed significant growth across the board:

  • Our client reported a gradual yet steady growth in the number of backlinks, which positively impacted their website, enhancing its authority and facilitating faster indexing and crawling.
  • Increase in Organic Keywords: Our content strategy and on-page optimization efforts resulted in a surge of new organic keywords, thus enhancing the site’s relevance and visibility in search results.
Increase in Organic Keywords
Increase in organic keywords and positions change
Organic Keywords
  • Traffic Growth and Improved Rankings: Organic traffic started at 1,922 at the beginning of the project. By June 2023, traffic had increased to 10,104, demonstrating an impressive growth of 525%.
traffic growth
Organic traffic

Let’s take a look at the site’s main metrics now:


Through a comprehensive SEO strategy, the client’s site achieved considerable growth in organic traffic, underlining the significance of a well-rounded, professional approach to SEO. Our efforts, from conducting an in-depth audit to implementing nuanced SEO techniques, collectively contributed to the client’s success, bolstering its online presence and ensuring the organization’s services reached more users in need. Everyone on our team, from SEO experts to content creators and project managers, enjoyed our cooperation with and constant feedback from the client, and we hope to work again in the future.

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