Shopify SEO 2024: Everything a Beginner Should Know

Imagine being able to launch an online business from scratch, watch it grow, and manage everything with ease, all in one place. That’s where Shopify comes in – a platform that simplifies eCommerce website building without requiring any coding knowledge. It’s a dream come true!

But here’s the catch; having a stunning website is just the beginning. What good is your online store if no one knows about it? This is where Shopify SEO steps in – the ultimate cloak of visibility that makes your site stand out to search engines and potential customers alike.

Is Shopify good for SEO? Shopify and SEO are like two peas in a pod: Shopify’s user-friendly interface is already built for SEO success. However, there are many strategic approaches involved in achieving top-notch results – and that’s what we’re here to help with.

Before Building the Site

Before we dive headfirst into the world of SEO for Shopify, there are a few key things we want to have nailed down.


Let’s kick things off by talking about your domain. This little gem is the online address that leads customers right to your virtual doorstep. It’s not just a name; it’s part of your brand and a key player in boosting your Shopify search engine optimization. So, when choosing a domain name, remember one thing: be catchy, be memorable, and above all, be relevant to your biz. And keep it unique, too! You don’t want potential customers to wind up on a competitor’s site by mistake, do you? Get those creative juices flowing, and think of a domain name that truly speaks the language of your brand.

Shopify Theme

Imagine your Shopify store as a brick-and-mortar shop with its own vibe and style. The theme is like the interior design that sets the mood for the customer experience online. When visitors land on your site – boom! They’re hit with what you’ve chosen as the digital representation of your brand. Make sure you pick a free or paid theme from Shopify that matches your brand vibes and offers an A-class user experience. Clean lines? Check! Easy navigation? Check! Remember, though, it ain’t just about customer satisfaction. Search engine bots love clean themes, too – and they boost your Shopify website SEO rankings.

Tracking Tools

Tracking tools are our secret sauce for success! Ignoring these would be like driving without a dashboard – you’ll have no clue how fast you’re going or where you’re headed. Trust us – this is VITAL for running an online store smoothly. Use tracking tools like Google Analytics or Shopify’s built-in analytics to gather precious insights into how your store performs in real-time – what works, what flops, and where improvements can make waves. You’ll have a gold mine of data right at your fingertips, guiding your stiletto-sharp Shopify SEO moves.

Technical SEO for Shopify Stores

Think of technical Shopify SEO as the backbone of your online store – the stuff that keeps everything running smoothly behind the scenes. In this section, we’ll explore some crucial technical aspects that make or break your Shopify store SEO.

Site Speed

Picture this: you click on a website and…crickets. The page takes ages to load, leaving you twiddling your thumbs in frustration. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Well, guess what? Search engines like Google feel the same way. Site speed is a massive deal for Shopify Google SEO – it affects user experience and even impacts how well your site ranks.

How do we tackle this? Optimize those images to shed some weight off your site. Keep an eye on those resource-hungry apps. Choose a Shopify theme built for speed. And if all else fails? Consider enlisting the help of a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Mobile Responsiveness

These pocket-sized devices are ruling our lives nowadays. From scrolling through social media to shopping till we drop, we’re doing it all on our phones. So here’s the deal: if your Shopify store isn’t rocking a mobile-friendly vibe, you’re missing out big time – and not just in terms of user experience.

Google has spoken loud and clear with its mobile-first indexing policy – a fancy way of saying they prioritize the mobile version of sites when ranking them. Translation? Your site better be mobile-friendly, or you risk sliding down the search engine rankings. Picture these Shopify SEO essentials: a responsive theme that adapts to different screen sizes, text that’s legible without squinting, and buttons big enough for thumbs to tap with ease. Your store should shine bright like a diamond on smartphones just as much as it does on desktops.


A well-crafted robots.txt file is a Shopify eCommerce SEO game-changer. It’s like having your personal bouncer determine which pages search engines can stroll through and which are reserved for VIP eyes only. It’s all about giving search engines access to those jaw-dropping public pages – your sizzling product showcases or dazzling blog posts. There may be certain pages you’d rather keep under lock and key, like user login or exclusive account access. Those should remain off the radar of the search results dancefloor.

Shopify sets you up with an automatic robots.txt file for your store. Sounds convenient, right? Well, make sure to review it and truly understand its magic. Ensure it works in harmony with your goals, leading search engines towards that irresistible content while keeping treasured secrets hidden away.


Picture yourself as an explorer venturing into uncharted territory without a trusty map – that’s exactly how a search engine feels when crawling a site sans a sitemap. That’s where the sitemap sweeps in like a pro guidebook for your digital realm. It holds the key to ensuring search engines discover and index all your precious content. This resource is especially handy for SEO for Shopify websites filled with oodles of pages or newer sites yet to score many backlinks. And don’t get us started on sites bursting with eye-catching media.

Rest easy, as Shopify automatically whips up a sitemap just for you. Awfully kind, isn’t it? But remember to give it a peek to make sure all your important pages have made the guest list. And while you’re at it, check if any pages deserve an exclusivity pass – not everyone gets the invite!

Oh, and a little Shopify URL structure tip: your stunning product images deserve some love, too. Pop those URLs into the sitemap and watch as they dazzle in search engine results, beckoning potential customers right to your virtual doorstep.

Duplicate Product Pages

Shopify has a little quirk up its sleeve. When you create a product, get ready for not one but two URLs to emerge like magic. One struts around with that /collections/ slug, while the other prefers the /products/ slug. Yep, two URLs leading to the same product – talk about an identity crisis!

You may be thinking, “Who cares? The more options, the merrier!” Well, in the realm of Shopify product SEO, duplicate content spells trouble. Search engines can get all flustered trying to figure out which version of your page they’re supposed to index and which they should just shake off. Not exactly ideal for our Shopify SEO efforts.

So what’s our superhero solution? Pay close attention now – our best bet is to choose one of those slugs and stick with it across your site structure and internal links. Most Shopify whizzes swear by using the trusty old /products/ slug.

Ah, but hold on! What about those persistent little /collections/ URLs? Here’s where canonicalization comes into play. It’s simply a way of telling search engines which version of your webpage deserves the crown as “official.” Declare those /product/ URLs as canonical and let them take center stage while kindly asking search engines to ignore their pesky doubleganger counterparts – the /collections/ ones.

On-Page SEO for Shopify Stores

Alright, now that we’ve got the technical nitty-gritty out of the way, it’s time to dive deep into on-page Shopify SEO tricks. We’re talking about optimizing every inch of content on our pages, from the words we craft to the captivating images we choose.

Keyword Research

Ever heard that old saying, “Say what you mean and mean what you say?” Well, in the world of on-page Shopify SEO, it’s more like “Say what people are searching for.” That’s where keyword research becomes our secret weapon.

See, keyword research is all about uncovering those golden words and phrases that customers type into search engines when they’re hunting for products like ours. These treasure troves of keywords are what we need to sprinkle into our content to boost its discoverability.

Thankfully, we have powerful tools at our disposal, like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs, that show us how often specific terms are searched for and even suggest related keywords we might have overlooked.

Content Optimization

Once we’ve unlocked those precious keywords, it’s time to unleash them within our magnificent content! Content optimization for Shopify SEO is all about making sure each word resonates deeply with your audience while still catching search engine eyes.

We’ll strategically place those chosen keywords in crucial spots like titles, headings, and URLs. After all, Shopify automatically includes /pages/ in URLs (which are unremovable), so let’s gracefully blend them into this structured melody.

But hold your horses – don’t think it’s all about keywords. We also want to craft content that’s well-written, effortlessly readable, and truly valuable to our audience. Our keywords will guide us, but our hearts will power the prose – let’s write for humans first and search engines second. It’s real folks who’ll be reading and falling in love with our content.


Some of you might be thinking, “Wait a minute… I’m running an online store, not some fancy lifestyle site. Why should I bother with a blog?” Well, because Shopify blog SEO is like a secret weapon for online stores – and here’s why.

Picture this: blogs are your platform to dish out valuable info to your customers. From product guides and how-tos to industry news and juicy insights – yeah, it all goes down here. Not only does this establish you as THE authority in your field, but having customers hungry for more also means they’ll keep coming back for seconds (or thirds!).

But that’s not all! Blogs open doors to endless on-page Shopify SEO possibilities. They give you the green light to chase after more keywords, especially those sneaky long-tail ones that don’t quite fit on your product pages. Plus, they create opportunities to weave internal links that guide users deeper into your enchanting world of products.

Image Optimization

Let’s shuffle over to image optimization land – it’s time to put those pixels in their rightful place! You’ve heard the saying – the power of a picture can trump a thousand words (and possibly sell a thousand items, too!). Trust us when we say images rule the eCommerce kingdom; they lure customers in like magnets and show off your goods with jaw-dropping finesse.

But images aren’t just fabulous eye candy; they have their own Shopify eCommerce SEO value – a double whammy kind of deal! By optimizing those visual wonders, you skyrocket their discoverability in search engine results and drive a stampede of traffic straight to your digital door. How to do SEO for Shopify? It entails picking the perfect file format, slimming down the file size for lightning-fast page loading, and adding delicious alt text that tells search engines what’s up.

Here’s another trick up Shopify’s sleeve – the option to add product images to your sitemap.

Yep, you heard it – it’s like having a secret portal to make those images even more visible to search engines’ prying eyes. Don’t underestimate the power of pixel perfection – give your images some tender care and awe-inspiring Shopify SEO optimization skills.

Internal Linking

Picture an internal linking structure like a finely woven spider’s web where every connection counts. Each link is a strong strand that brings one page closer to another. And guess what? The stronger and smarter these connections, the easier it is for both users and search engines to navigate your world.

Internal linking is crucial for all eCommerce owners because of the hierarchies to deal with. You’ve got your categories and subcategories, leading customers on a journey through your product paradise. Moreover, you don’t just guide customers but also improve SEO Shopify, making things crystal clear for those search engines.

shopify interlinking

Structured Data for Product-Rich Snippets

We can’t wrap on-page Shopify SEO up without mentioning structured data – the ultimate cheat sheet for search engines. Picture it as their secret decoder ring – it tells them exactly what your page is about. Oh yes, we’re diving into the fancy search results with star ratings, product prices, and more.

Structured data should be on top of your to-do list. You’ve got different types to consider – a little schema magic goes a long way! Product schema for products pages? Check! CollectionPage or OfferCatalog schema for those juicy categories? Absolutely! And let’s not forget about Article or BlogPosting schema if you’re rocking some blog posts. Plus, there’s BreadcrumbList schema, which is great for all pages.

Off-Page SEO for Shopify Stores

We’ve delved deep into the wonders of on-page SEO tips for Shopify stores, but our journey doesn’t end within the confines of our website. No, we must venture into the vast realm of off-page Shopify SEO to truly conquer the digital landscape. Off-page SEO for Shopify stores is like the reputation of your site – a reflection of its credibility and authority. And one mighty weapon in our off-page arsenal is none other than link-building.


Oh, link-building! The holy grail of Shopify SEO! This marvelous practice involves persuading other websites to link back to ours – creating those coveted backlinks that sparkle like gold in the shining kingdom of search engines. Why are they so precious? Because when a reputable site gives us a nod with a backlink, it’s as if they’re shouting to search engines, “Hey! This content right here – it’s top-notch stuff worth ranking!” It’s a stamp of approval from internet royalty.

However, it’s no walk in the park. Link-building demands time, energy, and some serious networking skills. That’s precisely why link-building services are so in demand. With their expertise and connections aplenty, they secure high-quality backlinks that elevate sites to new heights.

The main types of link-building for Shopify search engine optimization:

  • Foundation: a strong base upon which we’ll build our empire of links. These foundation links are firmly under our control – the ones embedded within social media profiles or our Google My Business listing. While they might not carry all the weight on their own, they act as crucial stepping stones in any successful Shopify SEO strategy. They establish our online presence and pave the way for bolder link-building adventures.
  • Outreach & Guest Posting: through the power of outreach and guest posting, we approach other websites with an offer they just can’t refuse – a captivating guest post written by our own hand. Embedded within this masterpiece lies a precious gift – a backlink to our site. Besides, by collaborating with these sites, we tap into their mighty audience, potentially drawing more eager visitors to our domain.
  • Forums & Discussions: the glimmering treasure troves of knowledge found in Quora & Reddit forums and discussions, where wisdom flows freely like rivers of information. In these realms, we hold the key to link-building success. Engaging in relevant conversations and providing insightful answers allows us to subtly weave backlinks into our dialogue. Yet remember – we must tread lightly. Our goal is to provide genuine value rather than descend into the dreaded abyss of spam.
  • Sitescrapping: picture this – we don our digital detective hats and inspect the backlink profiles of our competitors. With sophisticated tools at our side, we uncover the secrets hidden within their Shopify store SEO campaign. We identify those who dare support them – and reach out with charisma shining bright – to secure alliances with these influential sites for ourselves. After all, if they find value in our rivals’ content, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t be interested in what we have to offer as well!

Top 5 Shopify Apps & Tools

We’ve got something special in store for you – the best Shopify SEO tools that will turbocharge your organic rankings.

Plug In SEO

This is one of the best SEO apps for Shopify (if not the best). Plug In SEO is like a wizard’s wand – it does it all. With its magical templates, you can update thousands of products or pages in minutes, sparing you from hours of manual labor. Oh, and its JSON-LD Structured Data/Schema Markup tool? Total perfection! It keeps up with the latest standards and supports rich snippets like price tags, product availability, breadcrumb lists, site links – you name it! Plus, it offers a Shopify SEO health report to give you valuable insights into areas for improvement.


Picture your website as a car – the lightweight one is the fast one. That’s where TinyIMG comes in. It compresses images by up to 70% without sacrificing quality much, giving your site lightning-fast load speeds. This turbocharges searchability and user experience – a winning combo for Shopify search engine optimization. And guess what? It even offers a backup option so you can relax knowing everything is safe and sound.


Want to outshine your competition? Look no further than ReloadSEO – a true weapon among Shopify apps for SEO. Think of it as your personal intelligence agency; it provides detailed reports on competitor content and top-ranking pages for your chosen keywords. Armed with these insider insights and recommendations, you’ll soar past the competition faster than a student with a cheat sheet during exams.

Schema Plus for SEO

Meet a translator for search bots – Schema Plus! This Shopify SEO plugin uses advanced markup code to help bots understand your web pages with lightning speed. Imagine quicker and more efficient indexing, leading to quality leads and potentially higher revenue. Oh, and the cherry on top? It adds rich content to your site, strengthening your Shopify Google SEO.

SEO King

SEO King is not just your ordinary image optimizer. This Shopify SEO tool nails alt text, product meta titles, and even JSON LD optimization. Need bulk optimization? No sweat! Unlock up to 100,000 images with the paid edition, and let this mighty tool free up your team to focus on other business operations.


The world of Shopify SEO is no sprint; it’s an extraordinary marathon that demands your consistent attention and constant care. How to improve SEO on Shopify? Keep those keywords fresh as a daisy, maintain that solid website structure, and never skimp on earning those backlinks like there’s no tomorrow. Oh, and let’s not forget those life-saving Shopify SEO tools – they’re like the secret superpowers in your quest for ultimate SERP domination. Walking this path alone can be exhilarating, yet sometimes we all need a little boost from the outside. That’s why we’re offering you an SEO Audit for your precious Shopify store. We’ll dig deep into every nook and cranny of your website to analyze its strengths and weaknesses and present you with a tailor-made roadmap for growth. It’s like having a team of seasoned pros crafting an unstoppable Shopify SEO strategy just for YOU.

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